Connecting on the Podcast “OverFlow with Kimberly Snider”

I am OverFlowing with Gratitude. I am giving myself to Permission to be Bravefull today. Thank you Kim!

Episode 18 Listen, Learn and Lean In with Amy Ziegert 

Season 2, Ep. 2

Amy shares her Bravefull inspiration as well as issues permission slips for 2021. 

Amy is the creator of Bravefull: a Podcast for Achieving Women. Her mission is to connect with High Achieving Women and share their stories of achievements to inspire others and lift them for success in their life. 

This episode we talk about giving our self a permission slip. Give yourself permission. Permission to take a risk. …to be authentic. …to be open to what’s out there. …to slow down and appreciate your life.

It’s easy to be faking the happiness amidst all the expectations layering on. Maybe 2021 is the year to listen closely, learn and observe and then lean in. 

What is your Word of Year this year? What will be your guiding North Star for the year that will remind you of your direction, your energy to fulfill be authentic while at the same time enticing you to take risks, perhaps make mistakes followed by looking back, learning, and then compelling you to lean in to take that risk?

CONNECT is my word for 2021.

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